FenceView 3 (255K)

   WHEN  CATS  GO    BAD   

Music Video Copyright November 2021
by Charles Adrian Trevino

Hello there, welcome to the latest  Free Music Video Page  and another excellent free narrative which, as always, entices your curiosity, piques your interest, begins to fascinate you with its insightful clarity, then absolutely horrifies you as you start to realize that every single word is true!  Well, almost every single word.  Yes, I admit it, my narratives are about as welcome as an impending advanced trigonometry mid-term, and now I understand that some of you less-appreciative, apathetic types have learned to get around my lecture I mean narrative by immediately scrolling down to the "click here to download free-whatever" link, thus depriving yourselves of the invaluable benefit of Charles' advice, those Charlesean pearls of wisdom, those beneficient little drizzle drops that gently help you better understand what's happening in the oh-so-bewildering reality confronting all of us today... but you can't do that anymore. 

You can't skip the narrative and scroll down to get the free stuff anymore, because I got hip to you clowns, you "hep cats" so quick on the scroll, and your narrative-skipping ways, and I went out and bought some of that great new spyware from Pegasus or NSO or some firm like that, that lets you spy on anyone, anywhere, through any means, I mean they have totally got it completely down dude, these spyware firms!  And of course, these are apps that nobody can do anything about because they're like _______________________~  Its the ultimate setup!

No bull, they work just great, these spyware apps from Pegasus!  No wonder all the big governments of the world use them, all the big high-tech firms, because you can spy on anyone, anywhere, anyway you want, its just too easy now that we're all connected online.  I can watch you as you read this, and I know all about you too, you see, as soon as you clicked in to this website I automatically, instantly got all your private info, including your passwords, pins, security codes, any pictures, movies, text messages or documents, links to websites, anything you ever stored anywhere online or in your home personal computer, I can go get that now, you bet!  It's easy as pie, thanks to my new Pegasus app, that I bought easy and cheap as the dirt! 

I guess I should tell you one more time:  as soon as you clicked in to this website, you activated an auto-artificial-intelligo-cyber-algorithmic spying app that allows me to harvest very useful information about you; thanks!  Now that I know all about you, where you live, what you look like, what your loved ones look like, what your bank account info looks like, I feel that I probably really should, from my lofty newly-elevated position, strongly suggest that you read that narrative, man, as it's all for your own good!  And remember, I only get intrusive and manipulative like this because I love you so. 

Ha ha!  Of course I was just "pulling your leg" there, you think I'm one of those sickies that would actually spy on you, for any reason whatsoever (not just for money)?  Hell no, I ain't no SS-DG-raised zombie who does sociopathic things like that, and then just learns to accept himself for the weirdo that he's degenerated into, the lowly, vile, peeping-el creepo which this absurdist, totally asinine SS-DG-manufactured society has turned him into; all I can say is that some things are worse than death itself, and sinking down to the depths of your typical spying SS-DG creepo is one of those things, in my humble opinion.  Thusly, you can trust that this website is free of any sort of spyware; I even pay to have it constantly scanned, as the Sitelock insignia on the homepage will assure you.  Now, getting back to that narrative...

For starters, this free whatever page features my most recent audio-visual offering, which runs about five minutes or so, a little thing I called  "When Cats Go Bad"  for reasons I will explain later, maybe.  The background song is something I recorded way back in 1999 or 2000, called "Kickstart" -- I still need to fix a few things and remix it, no problem there however, I intend to do just that and re-release it as part of the completely updated, re-mastered, Volume One of my newest compilation of All-Time Greatest Hits  (yuk yuk), a digital offering soon to be available via download or snail-mail, which will include a sizable smattering of songs and music videos I've put out over the years (mesmerizingly interesting, never-before-released edits and other updated material), as well as the newest digitally-autographed release of my latest completed pulp-fiction novel, "Carlos & Katrina," all for that proverbial mere pittance (an old, antiquainted expression meaning "a few pennies" used by the more literate of us, back in the day, way back when life was mellow, and cool, before it got all weird, and bizarre  the way it is now, I'm talking about back when times were laid back and things were real,  my friend,  and just what do I mean by "real?"  Well that would depend on your concept of reality, wouldn't it?  You know, whatever comports with your mental breakdown of the information your senses are filtering in to your inner conscience as you do the walk of life, I mean hey, its your world, dude... let's close this parenthetical now).

ct-thinkin away (181K) Did you follow that blinding flash of flawless logic, also did you get what I meant when I said "the merest pittance,"  by way of imparting to you, my future would-be patron, how very little you might have to pay for the abovementioned treasure trove of entertaining gemstones from Charles?  Rest assured it will be well within the means of those lesser-well-offs who (like me) dwell amongst us;  perhaps even as low as ten dollars!  Now, arguing about money is a practice for which I am known to harbor a legendary abhorrance,  preferring to rise above that kind of unfledged, infantile meanness but, however, as the meanies and goonies frequently like to point out,  "beggars can't be choosers," or "beggars can't be losers," or something quite typically mean like that, I forget what, you know, verbatim they said, but if you think about it, its true either way, isn't it? 

Now when you consider the undistortedly serene clarity of the goonish truism which I just imparted (appreciating also, hopefully, the classic aplomb with which I delivered that awesome platitude), about how if you're in a "down" sort of position you don't want to be nobody's sucker, fool ('cuz you can't afford to lose!) and if you start to expand on that thought, multiplying and extrapolating that idea, and then you also take into consideration these wildly, uh, fluctuating economic times, and the fact that as unseen vampires  drain away your life earnings while "sucker-jabbing" you and making you wear useless masks (that do absolutely nothing but cause troubles due to restricted intake of oxygen), as these vampires frenetically bring the complete collapse of western civilization down about your ears by doing things like requiring no bail (thus no jail) for violent felons (because of Covid, they say), crime is accordingly running rampant in certain socially-decaying areas, concrete jungles that are increasing at a frightening pace, while certain well-paid puppet judges and pols focus instead on torturing innocent "capitol rioters" in gulag-type scenarios that rival the kind of sh!t they pulled (and are still pulling) on innocent "islamo-fascist terrorists" in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, after that (ssshhhhh!) fantastically-bungled "September 11th" conspiracy/fiasco that happened way back in 2001 and was actually, it seems to me, the presage of all the totalitarian madness currently going on today, over two decades later.  Then, if you take a closer look at some of the absolutely ludicrous blatantly totalitarian demands and measures being imposed upon us, by spuriously-empowered child-dictators of doubtful benevolence (and not-so-doubtful malevolence), all you can say is, shheeeeeee, man...

Excuse my lack of eloquence, but like everyone else, I feel like just another helpless cog in some vicious wheel-of-progress-gone-insane.  Forced as many of us have been to take untested, unapproved, unwanted (by sane people), unconstitutionally-mandated little assbyte vaccines that some little "big-pharma" CEO bribe-rammed through the stinkingly corrupt FDA or CDC, some little big-pharma kingpin who approves of and probably enjoys financing vivisectionist-type creeps that fix the vocal cords of helpless laboratory puppies so that they can't bark, whimper and moan, thus disturbing the noble, useful experiments these good doctors are conducting on them (in this case, seeing how long they lived while sand fleas ate them alive), no I'm not joking, one highly-esteemed Dr. Anthony Fauci actually approved of and paid for that and many other scary things, and worse, folks -- it just gets worse and worse the more you know!  I'm mean its like, "Fauci's an angel" compared to so and so!  You just want to tell Charles to shut the heck up, you don't need to know any more about that aspect of life; just kind of stick your head in the sand and opt out!  But we can't. 

For one thing, we can't just sit aside and let a few noble, honorable "Don Quixote" martyrs march all alone to their demise, can we?  Guys like well-known whistleblowing pharmaceutical authority Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, and his partner Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., who the mainstream media is ignoring as he makes what should be headlining history, doing things such as bringing cases for Covid-19 crimes against humanity, committed by various big-pharma juggernauts like the NIH, to levels as high as Canada's Supreme Court (according to a May 5, 2021 article published on "Philosophers Stone" website).  Both Reiner Fuellmich and RFK, jr. knows things about Dr. Fauci and his ilk that would burn off the both of your ears if I were to repeat them here, things like their pushing vaccines that caused numerous diseases like cancer and autism in young people, and also conducting cruel, painful and quite often fatal AIDS experiments on poignantly helpless young minority orphans and other such unfortunates in the 1980's, burying the 85 or so kids who died from the experiments in mass graves covered by astro-turf, somewhere in New York, I think. 

Apparently Fauci and a few others wield so much power over every health-related entity dependent on large grants of money to keep going (including schools and local government agencies), that every sane person except Charles is terrified of him... and now Charles is scared, too!  Because this whole pandemic/vaccine drama is starting to take on a cadaverous stink as more alarming facts surface on non-mainstream media outlets;  all the wild conspiracy rumors you might previously have laughed off appear to be gaining more traction, as deaths and tragedies that appear to have been caused by vaccinations mount by the tens of thousands, most of them either going unreported or attributed to the mysterious Covid virus itself by the bigger news media.  Deaths of "dissidents," that appear to be more like murders, also abound.

Dr. Andreas Noack 1 (134K) One of Germany's top scientists, for instance, one Dr. Andreas Noack, mysteriously died recently a short while after posting a scathing indictment of the top health advisor to Austria's Chancellor Schallenberg, a guy he identified as Dr. Szekeres, the Austrian government's version of Dr. Fauci.  Dr. Noack said that Szekeres wanted to get rid of the Nuremberg Code that forbids mandated vaccinations, and force 5-year old kids (and everbody else) to accept an unapproved ("off-label") Covid vaccine that has repeatedly been proven to contain incredibly tiny, unbreakable, razor-sharp chains of "activated" carbon called graphene hydroxyl, "nano-razorblades" that are known to circulate well in the bloodstream, cutting up the formerly smooth sides of the inner blood vessel linings, which causes major problems such as strokes and heart attacks. 

This graphene hydroxyl (GHO) has been found in other Covid vaccines including Pfizer, and if injected into a vein, accidentally or otherwise, will cause major problems, sometimes right away.  Dr. Noack claimed this to be the tragic cause of the wave of athletic incidents where the athletes can be seen collapsing, some even dying as they clutch their chests.  That's because as the blood rushes faster, the razorblades work faster and better.  This dismisses the theory of "adverse mRNA reactions" that wouldn't harm or kill so fast right after vaccination.  "It is when the graphene oxide hits the blood vessel wall immediately that causes the death or collapses immediately after getting the vax.  Doctors performing autopsies on victims of the Vax are not going to find anything.  These doctors are looking for something biological as the cause of death but the graphene hydroxide is not biological so it will not be visible in their tests.  There are pictures of coagulated blood coming out of the nose.  People bleed to death from the inside."

Because of the well-publicized nature of these mishaps these celebrity sports deaths get major news coverage, but this is actually just the visible tip of the iceberg.  More suspiciously, the late Dr. Noack demanded justice from both Chancellor Schallenberg and Dr. Szekeres, claiming they were knowingly guilty of mass-murder since the truth about graphene hydroxyl was publicly known;  why were they insisting on lacerating the blood systems of 5-year olds (and everybody else?)  A few days (a few hours by some accounts) after posting this accusing video, Dr. Andreas Noack was dead.  Dr. Andreas Noack 2 (217K) There are conflicting accounts;  one website claims his girlfriend said authorities came and beat him up badly; another account has his girlfriend describing a two-day ordeal where he was finally ambulanced off to his death; and I viewed a short video of what I supposed to be his girlfriend explaining his death, in Austrian so I couldn't understand what she was saying; she broke down and cried during the presentation.

Then as I dug deeper, things started to get even scarier.  I started to read about other reasons why things like graphene hydroxyl and its derivatives might be put into vaccines, other than to kill people I mean, and found out about a certain Dr. Pablo Campra in Spain, who furnished proof of all kinds of weird but well-documented sh!t concerning why vaccinated people would be giving off MAC addresses, as if they were a cell phone or laptop or something.  The rumors I'd been hearing I had formerly taken to be just that... rumors.  Now it appears there is some truth behind these science-fiction-like scenarios... a lot of truth.  Dr. Campra took photographs of nanostructures in a sample of the Pfizer vaccine, what's most likely a nanorouter or part of its circuitry, that would be part of the system that would allow the generation of MAC adresses in inoculated individuals.  "Things that shouldn't be part of any vaccine and that aren't declared as being in the vaccines have been identified and evidenced in images of blood samples from people vaccinated with coronavirus vaccines; high-tech things like micronadators, crystallized graphene nanoantennas, and graphene quantum dots known as GQD. 

First of all, it should be borne in mind that graphene and its derivatives, graphene oxide and carbon nanotubes, form part of the components of vaccines, as has already been explained in this blog.  The properties of graphene are exceptional from a physical, thermodynamic, electronic, mechanical, and magnetic point of view.  Its characteristics allow it to be used as a superconductor.  It's an electromagnetic wave absorbing material, a signal emitter-receiver, a quantum antenna which makes it possible to create advanced nano and micrometric scale electronics."

Huh?  Do I look like a geek?  Watch how you answer that!!  But even if you're like me and you don't understand about things like crystallized graphene nanoantennas and graphene quantum dots, you still might probably ask yourself, what they fuh are they doing in a vaccine?  And to get back to Plan A there, why are these super-sharp, indestructable tiny razorblades that lacerate your innards allowed into medicinal vaccines without warning anyone, including toxicologists, who don't have a clue what to look for in their petri dishes, because they don't have specialist carbon-altering training?  Oh I forgot... they're also giving off a MAC address, so those other rumors about the Satanists controlling everyone remotely through their 5G towers as if they were computers, that must be true also, I suppose?  I would most certainly hope not, but the way things are shaping up here... my mind wandered back to a chat I had with a friend a while back, who'd fed me a rumor that this bullsh!t Covid "keep six feet apart" rule was to prevent interference of the 5G's radiation absorption into its victims.

Then things started to get real scary.  I found out that protesters in Holland are tearing down LED streetlights and "masts" that hide 5G spying equipment (hidden cameras are recording their faces, so not to worry about them), and now young people are following suit in other countries like England and Austria, where 5G masts are hidden on roof tops disguised as chimneys;  apparently, the powerful 5G radiation actives the aforementioned graphene oxide and all its micro-electronic components that you get in "the jab!"  They say that's why England had so many foreigners working around the clock putting up 5G masts while everyone was in lockdown, and the same thing happening here, the U.S. had 5G installed during lockdowns also, especially at schools.  Apparently 5G can only be transmitted for shorter distances in straight lines, thus their placement in LED street lights, which house hidden spying cameras as well.  FUN FACT:  5G causes radiation poisoning (5G EMF radiation), showing the same symptoms as Covid.

Then things started to get real, real scary.  I found this item re: an exchange between Dr. Campra and Jesús Ángel Rojo in an article from Orwell City on Spain's Distrito TV's El Mundo al Rojo television program, regarding that very same satanic "mark of the beast" subject:

Many questions have arisen since the confirmation of the marking system linked to the MAC addresses detected in COVID-19 inoculates via Bluetooth.  The most frequently asked is whether this system corresponds to what's described in the Bible as "the mark of the beast."

This question was recently posed to Dr. Pablo Campra, who published the first report on the detection of graphene oxide (among other as yet unidentified things) in mRNA vaccines,

Orwell City brings the scientist's response below.

(El Mundo al Rojo):  I'm going to ask you the last two questions.  The first one is related to what Dr. Luis de Benito said.  He had done an experiment in which vaccinated people were detected with a kind of "IP" in Chinese telephones.  That question, that mark that everyone has, could it be similar to what St. John spoke about in the Apocalypse of the famous "mark of the beast"?  And then, the last question would be:  Could graphene condition people's behavior?  Could it somehow, with an external element, condition people's free will?

Dr. Pablo Campra:  Yes, well, the question is eschatological.  But if by the mark of the beast we mean a system that has to be embedded inside the human body that allows you to buy and sell, this system allows it perfectly.  It's described in the literature.  It's as if you had a credit card inserted inside your body.  But there's no chip or nanochip, but thousands of sensors that send information to nanorouters.  The nanorouters send it outside, to the exit gateway, which would be the cell phone.  So, on that side, it does resemble the concept of what's called "the mark of the beast."

Also, in terms of neural control.  Because the mark of the beast is supposed to entail the loss of free will.  And the danger with this network is that the connection in the neural synapses can be controlled from outside and can influence pleasure, pain, motivation... the will, in short.  So it depends on the use of the external server and who controls it whether people's free will can be stolen.

This is the seriousness of this system to be implemented or not.  Both toxicity and these capabilities that can make people lose their will must be studied and communicated.  Well, we'd have to see if this is the mark of the beast or not.  I don't go into that subject.  I'm a scientist.  We'd have to see at what times we are in."


Well, there's the proven evidence:  something funny is going on here.  The mainstream media is full of sh!t and can't be trusted;  people are getting slandered, sued, fined, arrested and murdered, for going against the juggernaut power;  bioweapons thinly disguised as naturally-occuring diseases are being created to destroy us, at our own taxpaying expense; and any way you look at it, there's something scary in that vaccine.  And I believe there's no better hapless fool than myself to fall victim to something like that, and get my brain manipulated remotely by high-tech weirdos, I think I can guarantee you. 

Actually, though, I consider myself to be not just "a" victim, not just any victim...  but a perfect victim, if you will sir, or better yet, to be perfectly accurate, I suppose I could be described as 'THE'  perfect victim, an all-time paragon of victimhood, born to outshine any and all sob-story wannabee contenders (false pretenders to the throne of immortal, eternal sulkhood is what most of these quacksters are, really).  But before you condemn my disgusting self-pity why don't you take into consideration the fact that I have to See things that most people don't;  in fact, let me put it this way:  As a Seer (one who knows exactly what's going down, at all times)  I've too often been obliged to observe things that others don't see, things that others can't see, things that others don't and can't want to see, and know ye this:  CT SHADY-2 (159K) this knowledge has battered my psyche, almost beyond repair.  I'm in a sad and sorry state of mind, always; I constantly feel spent, useless, and guilty;  I've become downtrodden, broken, a mere shadow of the man I used to be, endlessly depressed and morose;  my soul is a whirling, tornado-like vortex of chaotic emotional torment!  I'm telling you all, without compunction or shame, I'm the very picture of abject dejection itself, my life hangs in the balance by a thread, and, and something inside of me has died!  It's even worse than it looks, and that's pretty bad, I know. 

And if you lack the sensitivity to understand the devastating effect all of this societal madness has on Seers like me, and can't appreciate the iconic symbolism that runs like molten lava throughout this music video, can't relate to the power-packed drama, the theatrical aspect of the pathos, can't sympathize with the visceral poignancy of the situation, then I truly feel sorry for you, man.  You can be sure that next time I won't be so generously candid when I'm expressing my deeper feelings.  Also respect the fact that life has been less than nice to a lot of us poor unfortunates;  true victims we are, who aren't as lucky as you swells out there with your uncracked cell phones, and your orthopaedically-designed shoes that don't hurt your feet.  Not to mention your unscratched cars with their nice new-looking paint... ha!!  What a bunch of lollipops!  Not all people can be as lucky as you are there, Percy, so don't get all bent out of shape if one or two of us Seers goes bad just a little bit, once in a great while, you know, just goes off and paints the whole park red!  To let off some steam, a natural reaction you understand... You do understand, don't you?

Oh, now where were we... oh yeah, free music video this time...  Ok, there's the link down there, have at it.  Try to forget about the vaccines, the 5G LED's and chimney towers, and the graphene hydroxyl body-snatchers for awhile and enjoy this brief diversion.  And remember, another installment of this ongoing series is coming real soon, so there's no need to worry.  Bye for now!

Click here to download  When Cats Go Bad

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All text and photos (except as otherwise noted) Copyright November 2021 by Charles Adrian Trevino.   Music video "When Cats Go Bad" Copyright November 2021 by Charles Adrian Trevino.   Song "Kickstart" Copyright January 1999 by Charles Adrian Trevino.   Thanks for your interest in this webpage...    this is